David awarded Freemasonry’s highest honour for community service

24 06 10 David Hall Osb

David Hall of Hervey Bay Daylight Lodge is the latest recipient of the Order of Service to Benevolence Jewel, presented in May. David has been a Freemason for over five decades, commencing his masonic journey in Victoria.

In Hervey Bay, where he now resides, David has long championed his local special school, helping ensure students living with a disability have the best chance of finding stable employment when they finish their schooling.

The Lodge, under his leadership, donated almost $13,500 to Hervey Bay Special School in 2018 for initiatives such as the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program and their modern Trade Training Centre.

This includes the donation of kitchen equipment such as a coffee machine and outdoor café blinds.

In addition, David coordinated with other local Lodges and groups within the Masonic Family to secure $50,000 in 2019 from Hand Heart Pocket for the development of the spacious outdoors area of the Trade Training Centre.

As an additional show of support, David has encouraged the Lodge to get behind the student-run coffee shop when it is open to the public every Friday morning.

For David, his OSB jewel represents the work that the Members and Ladies of the Hervey Bay Daylight Lodge have been doing together for their community over the past decade. Congratulations David!

Photo: David is the most recent recipient of the prestigious Order of Service to Benevolence Jewel.

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