Helping those in need to change lanes and change their lives

202106 Wynnum Community Place Large

Rough sleepers and people in need on Brisbane’s bayside will be able to change lanes and change their lives, all thanks to a $15,000 funding boost to Wynnum Community Place.

The organisation’s Changing Lanes program was handpicked to receive the funds by five local Freemason Lodges.

Ken Rose of Redlands Lodge said the program appealed to the Freemasons because it promotes companionship and dignity while forming the building blocks of lasting change.

“What we really like about this program is that it brings together a number of community groups and local businesses that genuinely want to help make life better for those less fortunate in our community,” Mr Rose said.

“Every Tuesday, the big blue bus pulls up at the local park, giving the homeless access to hot showers and laundry facilities. Wynnum Community Place sets up close by and fires up the BBQ.

“Darling Point Special School students bake homemade goodies, while qualified hairdressers take time out to give back to others with free haircuts and students from the Hemmant Flexible Learning Centre come down with their coffee cart to make free coffee. Outreach services come along to help these people get back on their feet.

“It’s a really welcoming and vibrant atmosphere and with everything that has happened this past year, we felt it was a worthy initiative to get behind, with so many more people doing it tough,” he said.

The Community Grant was awarded to Wynnum Community Place by Hand Heart Pocket the Charity of Freemasons Queensland. Currently over 130 people are classified as homeless in the region, while 2,200 are unemployed.

Hand Heart Pocket Chief Executive Officer Sara Parrott thanked the Freemasons of Redlands, Moreton, Kianawah, Wynnum and Tuscan Lodges for nominating this local initiative.

“We’re pleased to support the local Freemasons get engaged in an issue they care about,” Ms Parrott said.

“Unfortunately, the Freemasons have been unable to go about their usual charity work over the last year due to COVID restrictions.

“This community approach which allows access to multiple services in the one place can be life-changing for so many people and we’re proud to be doing our bit to help,” she said.

Photo: Representatives of Redlands, Moreton, Kianawah, Wynnum and Tuscan Freemason Lodges at Wynnum Community Place.  


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