Holloways Beach Men’s Shed a thriving hub

Holloways Beach Mens Shed Official Opening Large

Efforts to improve men’s health and wellbeing in Far North Queensland have been backed by the region’s Freemasons. Earlier this month a new Men’s Shed was officially opened at Holloways Beach.

The Carpentaria Freemasons and Hand Heart Pocket the Charity of Freemasons Queensland each contributed $27.5k last year to help to bring this important community initiative to fruition.

Carpentaria District Board of Benevolence Acting Chairman Bob Lackey said this community effort, will ensure more men in Far North Queensland have a dedicated space where they can go to enhance their mental and physical health.

“As a fraternal organisation, we know the ripple effect that camaraderie and a sense of purpose can have on a person’s mental and physical health, which is why we were so keen to support this local Men’s Shed initiative.”

Hand Heart Pocket Chief Executive Officer Gary Mark said support for programs and services that address men’s mental and physical health is part of the organisation’s long-term strategic focus.

“Having a relaxed space, where men can not only build things, but build relationships and share their feelings will be hugely positive – not just for them, but for their families and the wider community as a whole,” Gary said.

“Many lives will be impacted for the better thanks to this new Men’s Shed at Holloways Beach. By teaming up with the Carpentaria Freemasons, we have been able to support this important local initiative,” he said.

Photo: Carpentaria Deputy District Grand Master Raja Chohan, Gregory Allan Lodge Chaplain and Men’s Shed member Keith Morgan, President of the Board of Benevolence for Carpentaria District Duncan Walker and Gregory Allan Lodge Almoner and Men’s Shed member John Cavill-Jones.

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