Mareeba Meals on Wheels is served up new meat slicer

Mareeba Meals On Wheels Granite Large

The local Meals on Wheels in Mareeba has been served up a new meat slicer by Granite Masonic Lodge.

With the help of Hand Heart Pocket the Charity of Freemasons Queensland, the Mareeba Freemasons donated $1,353 for the new piece of equipment to be purchased.

Lodge representative Roy Blakeney said they were thrilled to make the donation.

“A new meat slicer will allow time to be shaved off food preparation, pardon the pun,” he said.

“It’s great that our donation will give Meals on Wheels volunteers time to do other important jobs like drop off the food and have a chat to the people they deliver to.”

“Meals on Wheels is a charity that so many people in the region rely on, so we thought it was important to support them,” he said.

Hand Heart Pocket Chief Executive Officer Gary Mark said Granite Masonic Lodge took the lead with this initiative which aligns with one of the organisation’s strategic focuses to support our ageing population.

“It’s fantastic that the local Freemasons want to help an organisation that gives a hand up to isolated members in the community, which is why Hand Heart Pocket was quick to assist with a Dollar for Dollar Grassroots Grant to increase their total donation to Meals on Wheels,” Gary said.

Photo: Granite Masonic Lodge representatives Roy Blakeney (third from right) and Kevin Clarke (first from right) with Mareeba Meals on Wheels volunteers and cook Leanne Wallace (centre). 

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