Reaching for the Stars

Stars Foundation Case Study

For one young Queensland woman, a dream of joining the Australian Defence Force has become a reality, with the support of her Mentors at Stars Foundation.

Ashanti graduated in 2021 and was part of Stars Foundation throughout her schooling, an organisation mentoring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls and young women to attend and stay engaged at school, complete Year 12 and move into work or further study.

The program is based on strong, trusting relationships. The Stars Room is a space in schools providing a culturally safe, warm environment – a place where the girls and young women in the program feel nurtured and inspired.

With the support of Stars Foundation, Ashanti applied for the Australian Defence Force in 2022 and was successful in gaining a position. She completed six months of training at the Army Indigenous Development Program in Darwin.

“I loved the experience in Darwin, and it has really helped me grow as a person,” Ashanti said.

Ashanti’s training experience helped clarify she wanted to work towards her dream of being a Marine Specialist. She travelled to Puckapunyal in regional Victoria to complete her Army Basic Training which included getting to learn how to drive Army trucks and she later moved into her employment training.

Since completing training, Ashanti has been working in North Queensland with 10FSB and is living her dream as a Marine Specialist.

Ashanti thoroughly enjoys her work where she has made lifelong friends, and she is happy with her decision to pursue this career. Shortly Ashanti will mark her two-year anniversary in the Defence Force.

Hand Heart Pocket and Stars Foundation have partnered since 2022. Last year the partnership was extended for another two years, supporting a further 80 young First Nations girls like Ashanti in Townsville to stay engaged in learning and secure training or employment once they finish school.

Find out more about how we partner 

Photo: Since completing training, Ashanti has been working in North Queensland with 10FSB and is living her dream as a Marine Specialist.


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