Working together to influence systems

Capability Building Case Study Web

Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership Convenor, Adjunct Professor Michael Hogan, is steering important conversations about how we can work together to create longterm positive change for young people in need in our state.

“Most Queensland children are thriving but too many experience vulnerability compared with those in other states. This gap is closing slowly so the goal of the Partnership is to accelerate this trend,” Adjunct Professor Hogan says.

“We start from the idea that we do better together, so we are creating connections and capabilities, and putting science to service, to drive sensible, evidence-informed change.”

Overseen by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY), the Queensland-first collaboration was launched in May 2022 by the Minister for Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon. Leanne Linard MP at Parliament House in Brisbane.

The Partnership (TQKP) is bringing together community groups, government, practitioners, investors and researchers with a focus on shifting systems to improve life outcomes for children and young people across Queensland, beginning with understanding what works and what matters for vulnerable children and their families.

“We are not creating a new organisation or service; TQKP is about using what and who we already have, and what we know or learn about what works for vulnerable children.”

Adjunct Professor Hogan says this bold initiative has the potential to create long-term change for families in Queensland.

“We are excited by the partnerships and initiatives emerging, such as with philanthropies, and by the momentum we are generating.”

Photo (Stock image): The Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership is bringing together funders, researchers, and service providers to chart a better future for families in Queensland.

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